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Geschiedenis & Filosofie
They're standing at your check-in desk, calling you on the phone, chatting with you online. Maybe they're seated in business class on your flight. Or eating at one of the tables you're waiting on. As a service employee, you encounter dozens or even hundreds of customers a day. Some of them are easygoing. With them, you can't go wrong. But some are demanding. They set the bar high and let you know it.
How should you serve these customers? Find out in this book. World-class service is like Olympic sports. Online forms, chatbots and protocols can be helpful, but ultimately it comes down to you, the one who provides personal service. You make all the difference. By giving the customer a warm welcome, by thinking in solutions instead of obstacles.
World Class Service gives you six practical rules that will make you a champion in this sport. Not cheap tricks that customers can see right through, but guidelines for consistently great, authentic, meaningful service. Our real-life anecdotes and helpful rules of thumb will give you insight into your own strengths and weaknesses, and inspire you to strive for the best. So that you, too, can create exceptional customer experiences.
Dennis Opstal is an engineer who has worked in the automotive industry (motorcycles and cars) since 1995. He is now Senior Manager After Sales Europe for an ultra-luxury car manufacturer.
Jean-Pierre Thomassen is an organizational consultant, university lecturer and chairman of Stichting Service Excellence. He has written several books including Waardering door klanten, De Customer Delight Strategie, Service Excellence and Excelleren in Service.
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